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popularity contest

  1. Johnny Unusual

    Top 50 Duos: Counting the Seconds

    In a world of increased isolation, we all need a friend. And sometimes we have that one relationship with someone who just… works with you. It can be romantic, platonic or maybe something that isn’t so easily labelled. Some people just go together. Some things just go together. Becoming greater...
  2. Johnny Unusual

    Top 50 Duos Nomination Thread - Voting Twice

    One is the loneliest number... but with two, you'll never be alone. Hey ya'll! It's me, Johnny Unusual and today we are going to celebrate things that come in twos, whether they be attractive opposites or in sync (not to be confused with N SYNC, who are, in fact, not a duo). Now we've done...
  3. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest #51 - Origins: Wolverine

    If you don't know what this is, we like to put together crowd sourced lists of our favourite things and see what comes out on top. We've done wizards, villains and video game box art to name a few but we are looking forward. And you get to help choose the next one by voting! Right now, we are...
  4. Johnny Unusual

    The Rest of the Best - A Popularity Contest 50th Anniversary! Week Seventeen - Marios!

    Wow, 50 years. I feel like I was only a young whippersnapper in those days, back when whippersnapping paid a mere 21 cents an hour and was called "lash-a-crackin'". And to celebrate us getting to our 50th Popularity Contest, I want to take a look back this next year. Oh, no, relax, on top of any...
  5. Johnny Unusual

    The Adventure Movie Countdown - Intermission: Impossible

    OK, guys, I finished the 50—sorry, 51 films you recommended I watch before I begin my adventure to find a lost movie theatre. Adventure is probably the oldest genre of anything; when the world was bigger, we always wondered what was over the horizon and while our world is smaller and more...
  6. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest 41: The Dream Child

    If you don't know what this is, we like to put together crowd sourced lists of our favourite things and see what comes out on top. We've done Dinosaurs, Cartoon series and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies to name a few but we are looking forward. And you get to help choose the next one by voting! Now...
  7. Johnny Unusual

    The Top 50 Actors Countdown - You Casted Your Votes

    OK, everyone, our project has begun. You may not have realized this but due to shocking anonymous donations a few years ago during one of our fundraisers, we finally have the funding for Talking Time’s true endgame: producing major motion pictures. And if we want to spend money to make money...
  8. Johnny Unusual

    Top 50 Actors Nomination Thread - Rendezvous with Drama

    A project has begun. I cannot tell you what it is now but to complete it, we will need the greatest actors who have ever lived. What I will say is this will lead to the ultimate form of art across various mediums. Oh, yes, multimedia projects have existed before but I intend to make a piece of...
  9. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest 40: The Dream Warriors

    More than half way through older ladies and man, Kirin is making this one move. Great list. If you don't know what this is, we like to put together crowd sourced lists of our favourite things and see what comes out on top. We've done Dinosaurs, Cartoon series and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies to...
  10. Kirin

    Nominate Your Fave Older Ladies

    Okay folks, buckle up - this was a brand new idea that won the most recent Top 50 topics poll and it's got a lot of fuzzy edges so I expect some discussion to ensue. But here's the TLDR: We're nominating our favorite fictional women characters over (about) 60. Just to get them out of the way...
  11. Johnny Unusual

    The Top 50 Cartoon Characters - They Aren't Your Favourite, They're Just Drawn That Way

    “Why, hello, my name is Lionel Hutz. I’m an attorney in the burgeoning city of Toontown and, well, after a recent *squints* play-jar-is-em case got overturned, well, it ended up opening up a wonderful floodgate that allows me to be gainfully employed. I won’t bore you with the details because I...
  12. Johnny Unusual

    The Top 50 Cartoon Characters Nomination Thread - A Terrible Strain on Talking Time's Wrists

    Probably something like trans rights or sphere grids but in the meantime, we like to entertain ourselves with cartoons as we weight to be flung through time off of our mortal coils. And who makes up these time killers? Characters! Unless the cartoon is rather abstract or is about a tree growing...
  13. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest #38 and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    Half way through office supplies and fittingly will end in the back to school/work season! But let's get ready for the next wave of suggestions with fun little links. Top 50 Cartoon Characters - Johnny Unusual Top 50 Fictional Romantic Relationships - Positronic Brain Top 50 Fictional...
  14. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest #37 and the Last Crusade

    We are on the other side of the worst year and, yeah, things are still rough, but I have hopes that things will get better. For example BRAND NEW POPULARITY CONTEST CHOICES. We have six people who gave us six choices and all of them look like different kinds of cool. Here are your choices! Top...
  15. Issun

    Y'all Red e For This?: Top 32 & 64-Bit Video Game Nomination Thread

    Talking time has listed its Top 50 NES Games, its Top 50 16-Bit Games, and its Top 50 Games of the first 17 years of the 21st Century. There is, however, one era of gaming we have not tackled yet, and it is one of the most important in gaming history. Fortunately, this list will remedy that. So...
  16. Nich

    Rock Band Nominations - For Those About To Rock

    HELLLOOOOO, TALKING TIME! We're about to launch on a 50-group tour of rock bands, but we need your input before the bus can hit the road. So send in your ranked lists of your own personal top 25 rock bands OF ALL TIME. Two points to address: 1. What is Rock? You know what Rock is when you hear...
  17. Johnny Unusual

    Popularity Contest #35 and the Temple of Doom

    We are on the other side of the worst year and, yeah, things are still rough, but I have hopes that things will get better. For example BRAND NEW POPULARITY CONTEST CHOICES. We have six people who gave us six choices and all of them look like different kinds of cool. Here are your choices...
  18. Adrenaline

    Top 50 Sidekicks - The League of Extraordinary Second Bananas

    Heroes and villains are great, but they wouldn't get anywhere without the people watching their back, helping them, teaching them, or just giving them someone to show off to. Here are our picks for the 50 best sidekicks in the history of fiction. Ties will be presented in order of earliest...
  19. Adrenaline

    Sidekick Nominations - Behind every great person is another person

    On the previous iteration of these forums, I ran a popularity contest for fiction's best villains. This contest is sort of a spiritual follow-up, covering another essential character type, the sidekick. Let's define sidekick real quick. A sidekick is a slang expression for a close companion or...
  20. Dracula


    INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM VIDEO KNIGHT. THE MASTER needs our help! Through the process of fair voting on the Internet, we will determine the fifty best horror movies of all time, then we will force The Skeleton to watch them! In order to verify this filmography, you must follow these simple...